

韩晓东,教授,博士生导师。北京电镜中心成员,国家杰出青年基金获得者(2008年),中国电子显微学会常务理事,秘书长,中国电子显微学报编委。国际著名学术期刊Appl. Phys. Lett., JAP Phil. Mag. Lett., Phil. Mag.,美国化学学会Nano Lett.Cryst. Growth Des.及德国化学学会Adv. Mater. Adv. Funct. Mater. 等的审稿人。


1997- 1998年在香港城市大学应用物理系做博士后。1998-2001年在美国匹兹堡大学深造,开始接触先进扫描电子显微学。2001-2004年,在美国HKL科技公司工作期间积累了丰富的先进扫描电子显微学经验(背散射电子衍射)。在马氏体相变晶体学、纳米力学、材料显微结构与物理性能相关性研究等领域取得重要成果,在国内外重要学术期刊(SCI索引期刊)发表论文40余篇,论文被国际重要学术期刊引用300余次(他引240余次)。近年,从事原位外场下纳米及原子尺度一维纳米单体材料弹塑性行为及物理性能-显微结构相关性研究,取得重要进展。自2004年回国在新2会员手机管理端工作。作为项目负责人主持了北京市教委(自然科学基金)面上及重点项目,“新世纪优秀人才”项目等,参加承担了国家863973项目,近期作为项目负责人获得国家重大研究专项课题(2007),国家杰出青年基金(2008)及国家自然科学基金重点基金(2008)。回国后在国内外重要学术期刊发表学术论文30余篇,其中包括:Nano Lett.(3), Angew Chem. Int. Ed.1篇), Adv. Mater. 1篇),J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1) Adv. Funct. Mater.  1篇), Acta Mater. 1篇), Appl. Phys. Lett. 5篇), J. Appl. Phys. 5篇)等。作为主要完成人参与的“SiSiC 低温大应变塑性行为的发现”入选“2007年中国高等院校十大科技进展”。



1. The Crystallographic Structure of High Temperature Phase Ta2O5
X. Q. Liu,X. D. Han* and Z. Zhang et al. 
Acta Mater. in revision,2006 
2. Microscopic mechanisms of Luders Deformation Bands in TiNi Shape
Memory Alloy, S.C. Mao, X.D. Han*, M.H. Wu and Z. Zhang et al., 
Acta Mater., 2006, May, submitted 
3.  A new precipitate phase in a TiNiHf high temperature shape memory alloy.
X.D. Han, R. Wang, Z. Zhang and D.Z. Yang, 
Acta Mater., Vol. 46, 273(1997). 
4.  Structure and substructure of martensite in a Ti36.5Ni48.5Hf15 high
temperature shape memory alloy. 
X.D. Han, W.H. Zou, R. Wang, et al. 
Acta Mater., 44, 3447(1996). 
5. Incommensurate modulated structure of a Cu-Zn-Al-Zr phase, 
C.Y. Chung, W.H. Zou, X.D. Han, C.W.H. Lam et al., 
Acta Mater., 46, 5541(1998)
1. Single Crystalline Iron Oxides Nanotubes ,
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2. Lattice bending, disordering and amorphization induced plastic deformation in a SiC nano-wire, X.D. Han*, Y.F. Zhang, X.Q. Li and Z.Zhang, 
Journal of Applied Physics, 98, 124307, (2005) 
3. In situ TEM study of the crystallization features of a TiNi thin film , 
X.D. Han, S. C. Mao and Z. Zhang, (Materials Trans. JIM, 2006, 47-3) 
4. Investigation of the Microstructure and textural evolution of ultral TiNi rolling
sheets by automated EBSD, S.C. Mao, X.D. Han*, J.F. Luo and Z. Zhang, 
(Materials Letters, 2005, SCI)  ,
5. Synthesis and characterization of bamboo-like SiC nanofibers, 
Ya-Juan Haoa,c, Guo-Qiang Jina, XiaoDong Han, et al., Xiang-Yun Guo,
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6. The softness of Apparent Young’s Modulus and critical stress in nano-subgrain
superelastic Ti-Ni shape memory alloy through mechanical cycling, 
Shengcheng Mao, Xiaodong Han, Ze Zhang, Fei Hao, Danmin Liu, Bihui Hou and
Ming. H. Wu (Materials Transactions JIM, 2006, 47-3) , 
7. 300 rotation domain in wurtzite ZnO films, 
Yu-Zi Liua, et al and X.D. Han and Z.Zhang, Journal of Crystal Growth, 290 (2)
2006, 631 (2006) 
8. The substructures of martensite in a TiNiHf10 high temperature shape memory
alloy, X.D. Han1 and Z. Zhang (Materials Letters, 2006, in press) 
9. The Crystallographic Structure of High Temperature Phase Ta2O5
X. Q. Liu,X. D. Han* and Z. Zhang et al. Acta Mater. in revision,2006 
10. Microscopic mechanisms of Luders Deformation Bands in TiNi Shape Memory Alloy, 
S.C. Mao, X.D. Han* and Z. Zhang et al., (submitted to Acta Mater., 2006, May )




